My Clients Include


& 50+ More Clients Accross 5 Continents
My life has included playing chess for England, a few games for Tottenham Hotspur Youth team and cricket for Middlesex schools. My interest in education was not so comparable and my first degree came in Psychology at the age of 54. Thirty years earlier, I began my career in personal development & I have since managed and directed businesses and led programmes for many thousands in the public arena and corporate world in over 20 countries.

As a certified NCS Consultant, I currently deliver Dr. Joe Dispenza's two-day workshop (Change Your Mind and Create New Results) in business and for the public.

I have worked on large scale and groundbreaking projects with a long term partner Rob Kendall.

I have been fortunate enough to co-found Great Performance group with a wonderful colleague and friend Morgan Thomas.

I work in partnership with Chalotte Fruergaard and Teresa Perez Carrasco to build and support regular retreats in the UK, Denmark and Spain.
Projects: Past & Present
NCS Consultant, 2020 – Present Day
In early 2020, Nick was trained along with 40 others to become a certified Neuro Change Solutions (NCS) Consultant, representing the work of Dr Joe Dispenza for companies and public groups. The workshops he now delivers are online or face to face and present new models for change based on Neuroscience and neurochemistry.
Co-Founder @ Great Performance Group, 2010 – Present Day
Over the 13 years since launching and building Great Performance Group with Morgan Thomas, Nick has received a BSc in Psychology from the Open University, become an accredited C-me profile coach, a Licensed Emotional Intelligence coach, a certified Neuro Change Solutions consultant and a certified HeartMath consultant. This ten-year period saw a time of freedom, creativity and the discovery of many new ways to empower people through profiling, neuroscience, breath work and meditation. During this time, he partnered a company that grew during a recession and continued to grow by word of mouth for 10 years. This time period included work with thousands of senior leaders in major construction companies, retail giants and multinational insurance companies across the UK, Holland and Canada.
Senior Consultant @ JMW, 2005 – 2010
After leaving the public programme arena in 2005, Nick entered the corporate training world and worked with international consulting company JMW Consultants. Here Nick quickly became a Senior Consultant and designed, managed, and led programmes and workshops to executive groups around the world.
European Director & UK Manager @ Landmark Education, 1987 – 2005
After starting work as a trainer in the airline industry, Nick became fascinated by what makes people tick and began an exploration into personal development and transformation. Soon after participating in the Landmark Forum in 1987, Nick became a founder member and Country Manager of Landmark Education in 1990.
Over the next 10 years Nick both ran and expanded the UK operation while also being trained to lead three of Landmark public programmes and delivering transformational tools to thousands of Landmark graduates. In the following 5 years Nick was the European Director, becoming accountable for operations in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, France, Denmark, and Sweden.